Many people have passion for pets, but some are even ready to spend their whole life on the care and grooming of dogs. For those who are really interested in an idea of organizing an enterprise which will provide a wonderful service for pets, it is really easy and possible to start own business with minimal investments. Yes, equipment and rent can be expensive, but in certain situations there are many affordable alternatives and solutions which will minimise expenditures related to the business. Grooming service requires standard instruments. If it is about a limited budget option the set of necessary tools and other accessories can include:

- washing liquids, soap, cleaning powders;
- special bath or its simulation built from construction materials;
- combs, hair clippers, scissors, brushes;
- muzzles, collars, leashes of different sizes.
Except for things that are crucial for direct process of care, some minor but still vital elements such as devices, cash register equipment, terminal, electronic calendar for records (optionally) will be irreplaceable if an individual has an ambition to guarantee high quality service legally. It is worth to say that as a location could be used even a garage, but of course the best point on the map will attract more clients because even the cheapest banner will catch the attention of people on crowded streets. If the interior is in a bad condition the decision to perform repair will be rational. Visual part can impact the readiness of the potential clients to use the service. As a quick solution for saving time and money special mats for floor and paint for walls can be applied. Depending on the region certain law issues probably can arise, but for such an activity there shouldn’t be serious obstacles when the business is small.