How to Start a Cake Business from Home in the UK

A cake business at home is a great idea for moms on maternity leave in the UK, as well as for anyone who likes to cook beautifully and deliciously.


There are a number of advantages in the cake baking start up. Firstly, there is a high demand for cakes, since no holiday is complete without a cake. Secondly, this business does not require high financial investments, also you do not need to hire employees and rent premises for production. For a small cake business, your own kitchen is suitable, which has all the equipment to start with. Thirdly, baking cakes is an opportunity to express yourself, to direct creativity in a benevolent direction.

Equipment for home cake baking business

Equipment for home cake baking business
Photo by Taylor Grote on Unsplash

Starting with the equipment, it is worth noting that you already have most of the necessary equipment, for example, a stove and an oven, as well as kitchen utensils such as bowls, a mixer, knives. For a small cake business, most likely, you will have to buy only specific things – molds, mastic tools, dyes. If you lack some equipment, then ask your loved ones to give you equipment for the holiday or set up.


Image by Unsplash+

The most important thing in this business is to learn how to cook delicious cakes and baking. Previously, recipes could be obtained only by inheritance, from generation to generation. Now absolutely any recipes from any corner of the world are available on the Internet. You can practice on these recipes yourself or enroll in a pastry school. The main thing is to practice a lot.

Cost price

This business doesn’t even require a serious business plan. You can see all the approximate calculations on the Internet. On your own, you will need to calculate only the cost, since the prices of products and packaging are different for everyone. The cost of the finished cake includes the cost of ingredients, its packaging, energy costs, your time. All this is included in the cost of the cake. To make a profit, you need to make a margin 2-3 times higher than the cost of the cake. However, the price should not be too high, so focus on your fellow competitors who have similar business conditions.

After you practice, you will be able to advertise your work on social networks, thereby promoting your product, then the first customers will write a review about you, thereby increasing the flow of customers.